Support PHP

PHP was created to assist those in need. Assistance includes, but is not limited to meal prep/delivery for area seniors, low income individuals, veterans and the homeless.


Go to our Facebook page and sign up to help and to keep up to date on our latest projects!

Donate ingredients – even if it’s just a can!

Donate grocery gift card – $5, $10, or more!

Donate supplies – zip lock bags, meal packaging items.

Assist with shopping

Assist with packaging.

Assist with delivery.

Check back for our upcoming menu and special project needs. We utilize Sign Up Genius for most ‘sign up’ projects. Amazon Wish List is also a form of organizing large project needs. Links will always be posted on our page.

KEEP AN EYE OUT! If we are in need of any specific items to fulfill the needs we’ll post AT THE TOP of the page! Otherwise, ALL DONATIONS ARE suitable!

ALL of our efforts are supported by donations – PLEASE HELP!

Special Shout out to the folks who have already sponsored us by donating goods and services or donations of any kind:

Hanna Coffee Roasters in Mundelein, IL

Deerfields Bakery in Buffalo Grove, IL

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